Montana Department of Transportation


Update: In Progress


  • Objective 1: Implement the new Bridge Management System Work with MDT Engineering Division to provide project, contract and vendor management and technical expertise for the business analysis, procurement and solution implementation phases for the new Bridge Management and Analysis System.
    Update: Phase one of this implementation was completed early 2022; phase two and three are in progress with estimated completion of Summer 2023.
  • Objective 2: Implement the CADD Platform Work with MDT Engineering Division to provide project management and technical expertise for the business analysis, procurement, and solution implementation phases for the new CADD Services Platform
    Update: In progress, estimated completion December 2022.
  • Objective 3: Implement a new Safety Information Management system Work with MDT Engineering Division to provide project and technical expertise for the business analysis, procurement, and solution implementation phases for the new Safety Information Management System (SIMS)
    Update: In progress, estimated completion December 2022.
  • Objective 4: Continue the PPMS project Continue to provide project management and technical expertise to the MDT for the, system implementation phase, as well as vendor and contract management for a new Program & Project Management System (PPMS)
    Update: The project was put on hold.
  • Objective 5: Continue the Federal Billing implementation Continue to provide project management and technical expertise to the MDT for the, system implementation phase, as well as vendor and contract management for a new Federal Billing program.
    Update: The project was put on hold.
  • Objective 6: Implement the new CADD Document Management system Work with MDT businesses, providing project management, vendor and contract management services, to implement a CADD documentation Management System with an integrated document storage solution that replaces the existing core printing/plotting functionality.
    Update: In progress, phase 1 implemented end of 2021, phase two estimated completion Summer 2023.
  • Objective 7: Implement the Aeronautics Suite Work with the Aeronautics Division to modify the existing Aeronautics Suite that provides the functionality for pilot and aircraft registration tracking; tracking lists of conference attendees and exhibitors, airport fixed base operators, airport managers and newsletter recipients.
    Update: Implementation not started, RFP/solution selection in progress.
  • Objective 8: MCS Systems Motor Carrier Services and other divisions at MDT to provide consulting as well as project, vendor and contract management services for multiple solutions to improve highway safety for the traveling public and motor carriers and provide exceptional service to Montana’s motor carrier industry.
    Update: Implementation not started, RFP/solution selection in progress.
  • Objective 9: Implement RTN Provide project management services to implement RTN enabling cost-saving solutions for public and private sectors in the fields of surveying, mapping, science, precision agriculture, construction, and other high accuracy positioning technology needs.
    Update: Completed Spring of 2022.
  • Objective 10: Transit Grant Management Work with Rail, Transit & Planning Division, providing project management, vendor and contract management services, to implement Transit Grant Management solutions to help administer and manage Federal Transit Administration (FTA) funding while complying and staying current with FTA’s unique, evolving programs.
    Update: Completed in Summer 2021.
  • Objective 11: Implement ERM and EDMS Work with MDT businesses to provide project management and technical expertise for the business analysis phase, procurement, Enterprise solution review and analysis, and software implementation phases for new Electronic Records Management and Electronic Content Management Solutions.
    Update: Solution implemented Spring 2022.
  • Objective 12: Software to manage Traveler Info (RWIS and VMS) Work with MDT Maintenance Division to provide project management and application development expertise for the design and implementation of new Road Weather Information (RWIS) and Variable Massage Signs (VMS) Systems.
    Update: Implementation not started, solution selection in progress.

Update: In Progress


  • Objective 1: Fully implement the enterprise Service Now help desk solution Assess, develop, and implement a service management solution in ISD that includes a one-stop service portal for the benefit of ISD customers throughout MDT.
    Update: In progress, Service Desk had been implemented. Currently working towards one-stop service portal with target completion end of 2023.
  • Objective 2: Assess and implement video conferencing alternatives Research and assess the future of video conferencing within MDT and determine if alternative solutions are warranted.
    Update: In progress, video conferencing equipment is being upgraded in Helena and District offices.
  • Objective 3: Assess IT training needs Assess the IT training needs throughout MDT and develop a strategy for implementation.
    Update: Ongoing activity, assessment complete, individual managers working on section specific training programs for their employees.
  • Objective 4: Improve Network Connectivity Continue to assess opportunities and needs and upgrade network connections as appropriate
    Update: Ongoing activity.
  • Objective 5: Assess and upgrade existing technologies Assess the existing IT technologies and develop a strategy for upgrading them where applicable
    Update: Ongoing activity, conducting internal assessment to determine roadmap.

Update: In progress


  • Objective 1: Develop and implement a Disaster Recovery strategy Implement disaster recovery and continuity strategies to protect MDT IT operations in the event of a major incident
    Update: Planned for January 2023 start.
  • Objective 2: Update Application Development Standards Develop a process to review and update application development standards.
    Update: Ongoing activities to update developer standards and processes. The update to the model build is one example of continuous improvements to our processes.
  • Objective 3: Develop and implement decision and communication processes. Research, develop, and implement policies and procedures for communicating and decision-making within ISD.
    Update: Ongoing activity; policies and procedures continue to be updated during biennial reviews cycle.
  • Objective 4: Assess and manage IT risks. Research, develop, and implement an IT risk assessment and management process for ISD
    Update: Ongoing activity, will implement recommendations after Enterprise EA is published.
  • Objective 5: Update the Information Architecture and Technology strategy. Research, develop, and implement policies and procedures for managing the information architecture and technology strategy for ISD. This will include GIS and data management within the agency.
    Update: Ongoing with data governance implementation activities currently in progress.
  • Objective 6: Implement a Security Program. Implement organizational-wide Information Security Program required by MCA 2.15.114. The program will address security for the information and information systems that support the operations and assets of the department. The program will be aligned and integrated with program guidance of the Federal Information Security Management Act (FISMA) and National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) guidelines.
    Update: Plan complete, working on individual tasks within that plan on an ongoing basis.
  • Objective 7: Establish IT PMO and Implement IT PM standards and processes Establish the IT PMO, implement standards, document processes for IT Project Management. Develop standardized documentation for IT projects.
    Update: Ongoing activity. Standards, best practices, process documents currently in review and being updated.

Update: In Progress.


  • Objective 1: Develop a recruitment and retention strategy Develop a recruitment and retention strategy for ISD.
    Update: Ongoing activity of ISD Management team.
  • Objective 2: Assess and implement technical and soft skill training, and provide cross-training opportunities Assess Information Services Division employee’s technical and soft skills and provide training opportunities to continually improve our employees. Analyze and develop opportunities for Information Services Division employees to engage in cross-training to further their professional development.
    Update: Ongoing activity of ISD Management team.
  • Objective 3: Develop a succession planning strategy Analyze existing and future human resource needs within the Information Services Division and develop a succession planning strategy to meet the demands.
    Update: Limited work on this activity in reporting period, but plan to institute agency model for succession planning once completed.
  • Objective 4: Improve and expand career ladder and employee development opportunities Analyze the Information Services Division’s existing career ladders and implement improvements as necessary. Evaluate and implement career development strategies.
    Update: Sysadmin and PM/Ba career ladder updated were completed at the end of 2021.

Agency Contact Information

Agency Director / Administrator
Malcolm Long
2701 Prospect Avenue
Information Technology Contact
(CIO / IT Manager)
Mike Bousliman
444 6159
2701 Prospect Avenue
Information Security Manager
Mark Van Alstyne
444 6262
2710 Prospect Avenue