Update: DEQ focused on expansion of digital solutions in the areas of sample data, geospatial data, drinking water data, and permitting.
Deploy an agency-wide permitting system on a SaaS or low-code platform that can interface with existing agency-wide systems
Update: DEQ is finalizing expansion of the agency permitting system for Opencut mining applications. DEQ has successfully integrated the agency permitting system with GIS.
Deploy an agency-wide constituent relationship management system on a SaaS or low-code platform that can interface with existing agencywide systems
Update: DEQ developed the architecture for a constituent relationship management system, including integration specifications to interface with DEQ's existing enterprise IT solutions.
Lead the digital transformation of the State of Montana natural resource agencies by deploying three new cloud-based technologies available to citizens and the regulated community that improve the quality, timeliness, security, and accuracy of the bidirectional data we share.
Update: DEQ successfully deployed the agency GIS technology within a cloud based platform in 2021, providing real time access to DEQ's GIS data to the public https://discover-mtdeq.hub.arcgis.com/. DEQ also successfully deployed a cloud based solution for data transparency around sampling for lead in water in schools. https://mtdeq.equisonline.com/Default.aspx?d=16234650&auth=basic%20cHVibGljOjhaOEtSN0VQV3dVaA%3D%3D
In 2022, DEQ, in partnership with SITSD, architected and deployed a digital solution for subdivision application submittals.