Department of Corrections


Division Multiple
Project / Program purpose and objectives Security camera systems are utilized to assist in providing enhanced security and improved surveillance of high risk locations. Additionally, the department is required to comply with the Prison Rape Elimination Act (PREA) and security camera systems are integral as a deterrent as well as an investigative tool. Historically, security cameras were expensive and have been installed by external security doors and gates and in areas where there were higher risks of incidents. The ability to monitor the cameras from remote locations was limited and access was generally only available to staff at the location the camera was installed. Multiple analog security cameras have been installed as standalone systems that record on Digital Video Recorders (DVRs) and in once case VHS tape. These systems are in various locations at MSP, MWP and PHS, they are not networked, integrated, or synchronized with the other systems. To meet operational needs older systems are upgraded or expanded whenever funding can be obtained. Department IT staff have worked with the State Information Technology Services Division, General Services Division, Montana State Prison, and Montana Correctional Enterprises to develop the requirements for updating the video surveillance system at the facility. This system operates on the state network, the servers that manage the cameras runs on an SITSD server located in the State of Montana Data Center (SMDC). The video is saved to an SITSD storage device located at MSP for short term storage and each night migrated to SITSD hosted storage located at the SMDC. The system designed by SITSD, GSD, and ITD integrates all the components that manage, distribute, view, and store video data. The initial camera installations have been very successful and live video is available to staff that need to have access at MSP, MWP and PHS as well as Investigators and the Director’s office in Helena. MSP/MCE, MWP and PHS have installed 539 surveillance cameras and have a requirement for 585 more cameras to replace the remaining legacy cameras and provide coverage in areas that currently have no cameras. There is currently no funding for the remainder of these cameras. The department is considering an EPP request and is also exploring the potential for grant funding. A final budget has not yet been developed. This narrative and project cost details will be updated when all information has been determined and is available. This is Goal 1, Objective 4 of our plan.
IT Goal and Objective Reference Unified Digital Government - Objective 1: Modernization. Optimization of shared services and support (Collaborate Smart) - Objective 1: Automate and Objective 3: Standardization
Estimated start date 3/1/2021
Estimated deliver date 9/23/2022
Estimated cost $1,956,098
HB 10 Request No
Funding Sources Covid Money: $500k
Annual costs upon completion This will undetermined due to changes in device billing changing
Status of the project as of March 31, even numbered years. Indicate % completed and status of funds expended. This is about 80% complete because of supply chain issues for switching and vendor availability issues due to Covid.

Division Multiple
Project / Program purpose and objectives Enhance staff and offender safety through the use of body worn cameras. Interactions between staff and offenders would be documented to evaluate claims of excessive force and PREA incidents.
IT Goal and Objective Reference Unified Digital Government - Objective 1: Modernization;
Estimated start date
Estimated deliver date
Estimated cost $929,016
HB 10 Request No
Funding Sources General fund: $929,016
Annual costs upon completion
Status of the project as of March 31, even numbered years. Indicate % completed and status of funds expended. Funding was not secured for this project. This project has been carried forward to the 2022 Strategic plan for possible funding this upcoming session.

Division Multiple
Project / Program purpose and objectives Replacement Cycle for Department handheld and mobile radios. As the Department does not have funding to replace failing radios, the money requested is being asked to include in the base budget for financing them across 7 years. If approved, the replacement cycle will be completed across 7 years. This is Goal 1, Objective 3 of our plan.
IT Goal and Objective Reference Fiscal Responsibility (Spend Smart) - Objective 1: Cost Effective. Unified Digital Government - Objective 1: Modernization
Estimated start date
Estimated deliver date
Estimated cost
HB 10 Request No
Funding Sources :
Annual costs upon completion
Status of the project as of March 31, even numbered years. Indicate % completed and status of funds expended. We did not get funding last legislative session

Agency Contact Information

Agency Director / Administrator
Brian Gootkin
5 S Last Chance Gulch
Information Technology Contact
(CIO / IT Manager)
Jon Straughn
5 S Last Chance Gulch
Information Security Manager
Erin Stroop
5 S Last Chance Gulch