Department of Military Affairs


Update: Network, hardware, and infrastructure integrity and threat reduction.


  • Department required
    annual training.

    Update: All required agency staff have completed the appropriate security training required by SITSD or the equivalent Federal security training for accessing federal systems.
  • Annual reviews of
    department wide
    processes and internal

    Update: Agency IT staff routinely monitor security reports for vulnerabilities and security updates. IT Manager regularly meets with Division Administrators to determine network health and any security concerns.

Update: Advanced and new technologies, while decommissioning outdated and vulnerable assets.


  • Leverage and deploy
    technologies that
    provide a modern
    experience for citizens
    and employees that
    access government
    data and services.

    Update: Implemented remote imaging servers across networks to allow for easier installations and software deployments for end users.
    Collaborated with Veterans Affairs Division staff to equip the Veterans Service Officers with updated tools to digitally sign, store, and transmit confidential information while in the field and working on outreach with Veterans.
  • Implement Unified
    Desktop Workspace
    (UDW) to decrease
    environmental impact
    and improve security.

    Update: Unified Desktop Workspace project was redirected to VPN software deployments at the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic due to workplace staffing reductions. Users across all networks are able to work off-network while at home or in the field and connect to the network to transfer documents or access State systems.

Update: Increase the productivity and effectiveness of DMA staff and IT technicians.


  • Expand and implement
    service desk support
    throughout the

    Update: OTRS ServiceDesk deployed for department-wide and State-supported Federal staff, allowing tracking for both Help Desk trouble ticketing and purchase approval tracking.
  • Expand volume of VOIP
    systems throughout the

    Update: VOIP contract awarded to Intermedia in spring of 2020, which allowed DMA to consolidate several phone company contracts into one single vendor contract and included the ability to make calls on other devices (cell phones, laptops, tablets), text chat, teleconferencing, and web based faxing.

Update: Consolidate services, invest in All-In-One solutions, and make responsible procurement decisions.


  • Continue to increase
    efficiency and utilization
    of DMA resources.

    Update: IT staff worked on procuring All-In-One solutions to reduce the number of peripherals and commodities required for agency staff to effectively do their jobs, implemented cloud based management systems for asset tracking and maintenance, and implemented automated deployment systems to reduce technician task durations.
  • Continue to access cost
    savings throughout all IT

    Update: VOIP contract awarded to Intermedia, which allowed us to consolidate several services and vendors into one contract resulting in increased cost savings for all departments. IT Staff continue to look for additional services to reduce work time and service expenditures.

Agency Contact Information

Agency Director / Administrator
Matt Quinn
1956 MT Majo, Fort Harrison, MT 59601
Information Technology Contact
(CIO / IT Manager)
Mike Paulsen
1956 MT Majo, Fort Harrison, MT 59601
Information Security Manager
Mike Paulsen
1956 MT Majo, Fort Harrison, MT 59601